….To feiere overrasker hverandre under lunsjen. Den ene forteller at han nylig har hatt sex med en annen mann, men stiller seg helt uforstående til at kona mener han har vært utro. Den andre bekymrer seg over en livaktig drøm der David Bowie ser på ham som en kvinne. Kan livene deres fortsette som før.
..SEX follows two men in heterosexual marriages whose unexpected experiences challenge their perceptions of sexuality, gender and identity. One has a sexual encounter with another man, without experiencing it either as an expression of homosexuality or infidelity. The other finds himself in nocturnal dreams where David Bowie sees him as a woman, stirring confusion and leading him to question how much his personality is shaped by the gaze of others..….
….Tittel: ..Title:…. ….Sex..Sex….
….Sjanger: ..Genre:…. ….drama..drama….
….Spilletid: ..Running time….: 125 ….minutter..minutes….
….Regi: ..Directors:…. ….Dag Johan Haugerud
….Manus: ..Written by:…. ….Dag Johan Haugerud
….Produsent: ..Produced by:…. Hege Hauff Hvattum & Yngve Sæther
….Medvirkende: ..Cast:…. Jan Gunnar Røise, Thorbjørn Harr, Siri Forberg, Birgitte Larsen
….Fotograf: ..Directors of Photography:…. Cecilie Semec
….Produksjonsdesigner: ..Production Designer:…. Tuva Hølmebakk
….Kostymesjef:..Costumes:…. Ida Toft
….Klipper:..Editor:…. Jens Christian Fodstad
….Lyddesigner:..Sound Designer:…. Gisle Tveito & Yvonne Stenberg
….Komponist:..Composer:…. Peder Kjellsby
International Sales: m-Appeal